How long do I have access?
The membership works like a gym membership. So, as long as you are a member, you have access to all recordings, magazines, calls, and tutorials.
What is the difference between the membership and The Magic of Soft Pastel Online Course?
The Magic of Soft Pastel Course is an intensive, deep-dive, 6-week program that walks through all aspects of my soft pastel painting techniques step-by-step. It is the most hands-on, intimate experience that I offer to help you gain a good foundation for this medium, and connect with your creativity and the world around you. The course is like an incubator designed to jumpstart and accelerate your painting practice.
Magic Makers Membership is focused on finding your unique creative voice with on-going lessons that range from topic to topic as well as inspiration to fuel the creativity in your daily life. These lessons do not follow a prescribed strategy as does the course. Instead, you have insider access to ongoing painting lessons and creative thoughts as they develop in real-time. Creativity is a journey! The membership is designed to help you along your own creative path with not only tutorials and techniques, but with a proven path to your unique magic, accountability, community, and encouragement.
Is there an initiation fee?
The $129 initiation fee. However, if you checkout before the timer above hits zero, it will be wavied.
Is there a monthly minimum commitment?
With the month-to-month option, you may cancel at any time. Paying upfront for the year gives you a discounted rate and a year-long commitment.